...why I haven't been posting, it's because I have decided to give MissAmazin.com a rest but only for a little while. There are some new wonderful things going on in my life right now and as much as I love my website and blogging period......maintaining a website is very time consuming and I want to be able to dedicate the necessary time needed. Right now, I'm unable to do that.
Also, after this brief hiatus, I will be relocating to Wordpress. Blogger is fantastic, but Wordpress is a little more up the alley I want to go with the renewal of the website. Consequently, I may have to start with a NEW DOMAIN, but just like I built a following for this site, I can do it again.
A continued thanks to EVERYONE that has supported this site. In the meantime, add me on facebook http://facebook.com/shannonshanae and/or twitter http://twitter.com/caramel_cakey. This way, you can be up to date with the renewal of the site and chat with me as well.