Coming from a female MC herself...Monroe had a better flow but i could tell it was pre-written and since it was written the delivery couldve been better.<-((IMO))As for Lil Mama it was off the top and i give her props for just being able to come of the dome like that even though it wasnt all that
Shannon-ShaNae aka Harlem Missez. 24 years old. Sole founder & blogger of Crazy, sexy, cool. Enjoys blogging, graphic design, working with children.
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Everytime I see lil mama i start laughing
L M F A O!! Wow. Lil' Mama is offially done!!
Coming from a female MC herself...Monroe had a better flow but i could tell it was pre-written and since it was written the delivery couldve been better.<-((IMO))As for Lil Mama it was off the top and i give her props for just being able to come of the dome like that even though it wasnt all that
lmao whoa. They are somethin else and nothing close to being an emcee.
ima have to agree with tasha LMAOOOO - dead!
She just refuses to faddddddddddde away
1. why does lola's edges lookin like booty meat?
and 2. why does lil mama look like a boy??
hot mess.
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