
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lauren London Speaks....Finally! (Video)

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Since giving birth Lauren London has been pretty much MIA and for good reason, tending to her baby boy. She spoke with Quddus on Access Hollywood about Lil Wayne, being a mother, how it has changed her and people all up in her business.

A lot of people will look at her now as just ONE of Weezy's babymama's though, sadly.


JayLene said...

i've always liked lauren but I really think she made a mistake getting impregnated by lil wayne. of course a baby is a wonderful thing but who wants to have the tagline "lil wayne's baby mother" attached to their name.

daniella said...

new new!! she's so effin pretty

Kimmy said...

I always liked Lauren L and thought she was a great actress. Happy for her new lil love in her life but that 'Lil Wayne baby mother' title aint cute.

Tasha said...

I wanna see the baby!

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