
Friday, March 12, 2010

New Official Video: Lady Gaga (feat. Beyonce) "Telephone"

I've never seen a video as hyped up as this one. And was it really necessary to make it damn near 10 mins long?? You don't even see Beyonce until almost 5 minutes into the video (4:46 to be exact). But shoutout to Tyrese for his appearance!! =]

How do you like the video?

Lady Gaga explains the message behind the video:
“There’s certainly always a hidden message in my music videos,” Gaga tells "E News.” “I’m always trying to convolute everyone’s idea of what a pop music video should be.”

According to the megastar, the Quentin Tarantino-inspired clip is a commentary on American culture. “I wanted to do the same thing [as 'Paparazzi'] with this video. Take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper; the idea that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology, and turn it into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are.”

She also had something to say about her partner in crime Beyonce, who she shares screen time with for the second time. “I was very excited to be working with BeyoncĂ© again. It just sort of works out because we both like women.”


Chasity said...

I actually liked the edgy-ness of it. It was entirely too long though

downtwnfoxybrown said...

i think it was weird & a lil too long for my taste lol.
they had cute outfits though!

Kimmy said...

At first I was like wtf, then after watching like 3 more times, I like it but Bey looks so uncomfortable in it or her acting is very much off

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