
Thursday, January 7, 2010

From The Grapevine: Maia Campbell To Film A Reality Show?

It's no secret former television star, Maia Campbell, has dealt with a lot these past few years. She lost her mother (writer BeBe Moore Campbell), she's dealt with mental issues and drug abuse. According to Global Grind, she is in the process of filming a reality series:
Former child star turned vixen turned You Tube trainwreck, Maia Campbell has teamed up with Reality TV producer Jaysen "Av Action" Accius to start filming the pilot for a reality series that follows her journey as she attempts to pick up the pieces of a once beautiful life while dealing with her addictions and Bi Polar disorder. Maia and the producers of the show are hoping that this show will aid in giving a voice to the thousands of people diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder every year and the families, friends and communities that struggle to support them.


Ms_Cr0ss said...

I'd watch it...


Ashley said...

it would be something with meaning to actually watch -- but of course a lot of people wouldn't take it as an informative message.

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