
Monday, October 12, 2009

Jewelry Overkill...When Showing Your Wealth Goes Wrong

I am honestly too through with seeing this fuckery. These are just a few examples of jewelry gone wrong. Yes, they have the money and can do with it what they damn well please, but my thing is WHY? It cant be to prove some sort of status, cause we already know who you are idiots. It just irritates me. Then wanna cry wolf when you get GOT.  I'm still extra mad a T-Pain for that 10lb dumb big ass chain, that he spent $410,000 on.

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Pics: FreddyO/Smoking Section


M I N G said...

Tpain could have did something "worthy" with that money.. like donated it to someone. smhh..

& soulja boy is just an out of control teen. lol

kimee said...

LOL this is too reall
im tired of seeing a house payment around ppls necks


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